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Avilasha Sarmah | storytellerearthling
Aug 11, 20232 min read
How to Become Authors and Creators we aspire and Desire to be | Podcast
as visitors on Earth, our purpose is soak in everything that inspires us to create, allowing that channel of expression

Avilasha Sarmah | storytellerearthling
Aug 3, 20233 min read
This Nature Poetry Book Inspires To Take Our Focus Back To Nature
All of it makes me want to go out and look at nature for the billionth time but with fresh eyes – because as I said in the foreword...

Jemma Louise Hunt
Jul 5, 20223 min read
Enkindle your Sensuality with the Foxgloves of Summer - an Intuitive Guide
Carry the tantric energies of the Foxgloves with you for the rest of the day and watch how the world looks on at you through enchanted eyes.

Poetry Earthlings
Jun 17, 20226 min read
The Love Story that Lives: Poetry
So travel with me,
lose your hands in the fabric of me
and understand that god
dwells inside the arc of my heart.

Avilasha Sarmah | storytellerearthling
May 29, 20222 min read
"MORNING - the purest feeling": a Novel by Avilasha Sarmah
If this sounds familiar, it is. Because MORNING is supposedly in each of us, even if, in bits and pieces.
When the lead characters meet, it
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